Ann Finucane Psychotherapist and Counsellor
Hi my name is Ann Finucane I was born and raised in the west of Ireland, moving to England in the late 80s. The Midlands has been home for my family for the past 25 years. In that time I have juggled motherhood while working and studying through a career change to follow my passion to work in Learning Disability and Mental Health and eventually graduating with a Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling from Staffordshire University. I feel very passionate about the process of counselling and psychotherapy. I believe that as much as we think we know ourselves, it is only when that life changing event occurs that we realise our assumptions of ourselves were only that … That thought. “I can’t believe this has affected me this much” is our new truth. Counselling can help us to look at this reality whilst maintaining a sense of security in that vulnerability.
I say to my clients this is your time to say or express whatever, safe in the knowledge that it is confidential and you are not being judged. It is not my role to judge. I believe that this is one of the main cores in developing a strong therapeutic relationship. As a sibling, parent, child, partner, employer, employee we are constantly on some level of consciousness fulfilling a waking role.. In the counselling room you are free to be yourself.
My background is Learning Disability, Mental Health and I am currently volunteer for Domestic Violence. I have been very fortunate to been able to follow my passions in my working life.
” Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude… Victor E.Frankl”
British Association Counselling and Psychotherapy Member
My learning in vocational training has enabled me to help one find their purpose. This can involve turning passions into reality, actualising ones deepest yearning or life long desires.
It was through vocational training that I found a space in my life that yielded me my life long desire to work one to one on a depth where only a genuine care and acceptance of the human exist. I wanted to shine a light in the shadows of the mind while earnestly driven by the belief that healing could follow pain. ( a personal note)
It was then that I started my studies in counselling and psychotherapy and graduated with a Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling. Im a registered member of the BACP British Association Counselling and Psychotherapy and bound by its Ethical Framework.

Qualifications and Training
Professional Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling 2017 (Staffordshire University).
Certificate in counselling 2015.
Certificate in Mindfulness 2017.
Training in Suicide Awareness.
Training in Anxiety and Depression.
Training in Couple Counselling.
Training in Mental Health.
Vocational Training.
Training in Domestic Violence.
Training in Sexual Abuse.