The first step is the hardest
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Counselling Is It What I Need?
- You may be experiencing that old familiar stuck feeling or frustrated at not being able to move on in your life.
- You may be anxious or angry at your lack of success in dealing with some aspects of your life. You may recognise that no amount of self-talk or self-analysing changes nothing, only rendering you powerless and hopeless the same as yesterday.
- Do you question your self-control or suffer in silences with low self-esteem?
- Are you drowning in the lows of anxiety or depths of depression?
” The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change …. Carl Rogers”
Counselling and Psychotherapy
You may recognise that no amount of self-talk, self-analysing changes nothing only rendering you powerless and hopeless the same as yesterday. Do you question your self-control; suffer in silences with low self-esteem? Are you drowning in the lows of anxiety or depths of depression?
You may be in that time of a life changing event that unforeseen event for any of us. Are you struggling to make sense of what you are feeling? You may be searching for clarity or normality in the reality of this life changing event, or this stage of your life. In this unique space counselling can find an ease to look safely at this event. It can allow us to sit with it until we are ready to process it.
Or you may realise that there is a stumbling block stopping you living a fulfilled life. You recognise that now is the right time to look at these issues and free yourself of them. You accept that you don’t know the route but need to make the journey.
Nora House Psychotherapy and Counselling Practice is owned and run by Ann Finucane MBACP.